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Domestic Violence

Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) is commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council, with support from Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board. The service began on the 1st April 2023 and is delivered by EDAN Lincs, a local charity with extensive history and a proven track record of supporting those affected by domestic abuse in Lincolnshire.  For further information about EDAN Lincs please visit 

Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (LDASS) is aligned to three core principle aims:

  • Prevention; aiming to intervene before harm occurs or preventing further harm.
  • Protection; providing support to victims if harm has occurred to reduce the impact and increase their safety.
  • Recovery; to be future-focused, increase resilience, confidence, and skills to rebuild victims’ lives.

The service objectives are; 

  • To increase community awareness and understanding of domestic abuse
  • To target effective engagement to ensure equitable service access
  • To ensure victims are identified and seek early interventions
  • To provide timely support to victims
  • To increase the safety of victims
  • To reduce the risk of harm and its impacts
  • To support victims to improve their well-being and outcomes
  • To reduce re-victimisation
  • To foster the development of by and for community support

Service Overview

LDASS ensures that all Lincolnshire residents at risk of, experiencing or being affected by domestic abuse can access information, advice, and where eligible, specialist intervention support. The service is inclusive for any person affected by domestic abuse including children and young people.

The service is delivered in a non-discriminatory manner; supporting victims of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexualities, religions, socio-economic statuses, and backgrounds. The service is delivered equitably to all eligible victims irrespective of whether they remain with the perpetrator or seek to pursue a criminal justice outcome.

Victims, their unique experiences, and their voices are central to all service delivery and drive service developments. Our Interventions acknowledge the holistic needs of individuals, working within a whole family approach; recognising a broad definition of families that does not always include children. We embed preventative, early intervention approaches into service delivery and ensure that support is consistently person-centred and strength-based to meet the diverse needs of victims.

The Domestic Abuse Support Service encompasses the following elements of service: 

Need help? Call 01522 510041

9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday